Archiving Policy

At InnovatioSports Journal, we are committed to ensuring the long-term accessibility and preservation of our published articles. Our effective archiving policies guarantee that research outputs remain accessible and usable over time.

  1. Digital Archiving

All published articles are securely and permanently stored in digital format. The archiving process is carried out using the following methods and services:

  • LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)

The LOCKSS system preserves content by using a distributed archiving system among libraries worldwide. By storing multiple copies of content, this system minimizes the risk of data loss.

  • CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS)

The CLOCKSS system is an archiving service that ensures the secure storage and global accessibility of academic content. This system guarantees long-term access to the content.

  • PKP Preservation Network (PN)

The PKP PN, developed by the Public Knowledge Project, is an archiving service that ensures the long-term preservation of open access journal content. The PKP PN backs up content on multiple servers worldwide to ensure its security and accessibility.

  1. Institutional and Subject Repositories

Articles published in our journal can be uploaded to the digital archives (institutional repositories) of the authors' affiliated institutions and to open access repositories specific to their research fields (subject repositories). This broadens the accessibility of the articles to a wider audience.

  1. Journal Website

The InnovatioSports Journal website ensures the permanent accessibility of published articles. Each article is available on our website from the date of publication, provided as free and open access. Full texts of the articles can be accessed in PDF format.

  1. National and International Archiving Services

Our journal collaborates with various national and international archiving services to ensure that our content is accessible to a broad user base.

  1. Backup and Protection

To safeguard our digital content, we conduct regular backup operations. Our backup policy includes the following elements:

  • Daily Backups

Journal content is backed up daily and stored on secure servers.

  • Secure Servers

Backups are stored on secure and accessible servers.

  • Disaster Recovery Plan

We have a disaster recovery plan in place for data loss or other emergencies.

  1. Content Access and Usability

All published content is freely accessible to users without any charges or restrictions. Users can access, download, copy, and distribute articles from our journal website. This supports the free sharing and dissemination of academic knowledge.

  1. Contact Information

For questions about our archiving policy or for more information, please contact us.


This policy is integral to maintaining the integrity and accessibility of the academic work published by InnovatioSports Journal. We appreciate your support and contributions to this endeavor.