Plagiarism Policy

InnovatioSports Journal places great importance on academic ethics and scientific integrity. Therefore, the journal has established the following plagiarism policy:

  1. The journal employs specialized software tools such as iThenticate to detect plagiarism in submitted articles. When textual similarities are identified, the respective article undergoes thorough examination, and necessary actions are taken.
  2. The plagiarism rate is assessed according to the standards accepted by the journal. InnovatioSports Journal does not accept a plagiarism rate exceeding 15% in articles. In case of any plagiarism detection, appropriate measures are taken based on the severity of the case.
  3. If an author wishes to dispute a decision made as a result of plagiarism detection, they can submit their objection in writing. The journal will consider the objection and conduct necessary reviews.
  4. Upon detection of plagiarism, the journal may take various measures, ranging from rejection of the article to informing the author. In severe cases of plagiarism, the journal may review the author's other works and reject all related submissions.
  5. The journal handles plagiarism cases transparently and openly. Authors and readers are informed about the journal's plagiarism policy and practices.