Plagiarism Policy

At InnovatioSports Journal, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and research ethics. To ensure the originality and scientific contribution of the articles published in our journal, we have implemented stringent measures in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  1. Definition

Plagiarism is defined as the use of others' work, ideas, data, or words without permission or proper attribution. This can take various forms, including direct copying, paraphrasing, idea theft, or unauthorized reuse of one's previously published work (self-plagiarism).

  1. Prevention and Detection

All manuscripts submitted to our journal are checked for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection software. This software conducts a thorough scan of submitted manuscripts to identify potential instances of plagiarism. The similarity index must be below 15%, and no single source should account for more than 2%.

  1. Authors' Responsibilities

Authors must declare that their submissions are original and have not been published elsewhere. Authors are required to provide accurate and complete citations for all sources used in their manuscripts. Authors should adhere to the following guidelines when submitting their work:

  • Properly cite all sources.
  • Attribute text, data, tables, and figures from others appropriately.
  • Provide proper citations even for sections derived from their previous work.
  1. Editors' and Reviewers' Responsibilities

Editors and reviewers are responsible for ensuring that submitted manuscripts are free from plagiarism. Manuscripts suspected of plagiarism will be returned to the authors for explanation or will be rejected outright. Actions are taken in accordance with the guidelines provided by COPE for editors and reviewers.

  1. Detection and Sanctions for Plagiarism

If plagiarism is detected, the following steps will be taken:

  • Authors will be notified and asked to provide an explanation.
  • In cases of inadequate explanations or severe plagiarism, the manuscript will be rejected, and the authors' affiliated institution will be informed.
  • Necessary actions will be taken and procedures followed as outlined in COPE’s ethical guidelines and flowcharts.
  1. Education and Awareness

We provide educational materials and guidance to our authors and community on academic integrity and plagiarism. Our goal is to minimize instances of plagiarism and promote academic ethics. We utilize COPE’s educational resources on academic integrity and ethics.

  1. Contact

For questions or more information about our plagiarism policy, please contact us.


This policy has been developed in consideration of COPE's guidelines and standards on plagiarism. The detection and evaluation processes are conducted with care, adhering to COPE's ethical principles. For COPE guidelines and ethical flowcharts, please visit the official COPE website​​.