Authors Guide


Research Concept and Design

The research concept and design form the foundation of a study and provide the roadmap for how the research will be conducted. In this section, the researcher is expected to define the purpose, objectives, and methods of the study. Here are some key elements to consider during this stage:

Research Question

Every research must have a purpose or a question. This question determines the focus of the study and guides the researcher. It is important for the question to be clear, measurable, and specific.

Hypothesis or Research Objectives

Some studies may aim to test a specific hypothesis, while others aim to achieve certain objectives. In this section, the researcher should explain what type of information they hope to obtain as a result of the study.

Type and Method of Research

The research design includes the methods and type of research to be used. Decisions such as whether the research will be quantitative or qualitative, whether an experimental study or an observational study will be conducted, are made at this stage.

Sampling Strategy

The researcher needs to determine which participants or samples will be used in the study. The sampling strategy affects the generalizability of the study's results.

Data Collection Methods

Which data collection methods will be used is also a crucial part of the research design. Various tools such as surveys, interviews, observations, or experimental methods can be used.

Definition of Variables

The study should clearly specify which variables will be examined and how they will be measured.

Ethical Considerations

It is important to consider ethical issues during the research design phase. Researchers must ensure that the study does not harm the participants and adheres to ethical standards.


Data collection and analysis are fundamental steps in research and are critical for the reliability and validity of the study. This process involves gathering the necessary information to meet the research objectives and analyzing this information. Here are some important aspects to consider during this stage:

Data Collection Methods

Depending on the research design chosen by the researcher, different data collection methods may be employed. Various tools such as surveys, interviews, observations, focus groups, or experimental methods can be used in this process.


Data Collection Tools

The tools to be used in the data collection process should be determined in advance. These tools can include standardized survey forms, interview protocols, observation forms, or experimental protocols.

Sampling Strategy

The selection of participants or samples for data collection should be determined. The sampling strategy affects the generalizability of the study's results.

Data Reliability and Validity

Ensuring the reliability and validity of the data is important during the data collection process. Therefore, the reliability and validity of the measurement tools used should be tested in advance.

Data Analysis Methods

Analyzing the data is essential for achieving the research objectives. Statistical analysis techniques can be used for quantitative data, while approaches such as content analysis or thematic analysis may be preferred for qualitative data.

Data Analysis Tools

The software or tools to be used for data analysis should be determined in advance. Programs such as SPSS, R, NVivo, Atlas.ti can assist the researcher during the data analysis process.

Interpretation of Findings

The results of the data analysis should be interpreted in accordance with the purpose and hypotheses of the study. The significance of the findings should be related to the research topic and compared with the literature.

Ethical Considerations

It is important to consider ethical issues during the data collection and analysis process. Protecting the confidentiality and privacy of participants is a crucial aspect to consider during data collection.


A literature review is a fundamental step in research and involves analyzing relevant studies in the existing scientific literature. This process helps the researcher understand previously conducted studies related to their topic and position their own study in light of these studies. Here are some important aspects to consider when conducting a literature review:

Defining the Subject Area

Before conducting a literature review, it is important to define the research topic and related subfields. This determines the scope of the literature search and clarifies the areas the researcher should focus on.

Identifying Sources

The sources to be used in the literature review should be determined in advance. Academic journals, books, theses, conference papers, and other scientific sources are among the resources consulted for literature research.

Identifying Appropriate Databases

It is important to identify appropriate databases for a literature review and to develop effective search strategies. Access to these databases should be secured, and comprehensive searches should be conducted using relevant keywords.

Critical Evaluation of the Literature

The identified sources should be critically evaluated. During this evaluation process, aspects such as the methodology, findings, reliability, and validity of the sources should be considered.

Identifying Gaps in the Literature

During the literature review, gaps or inconsistencies in the existing literature should be identified. These gaps can highlight the importance and contributions of the researcher's study.

Developing a Theoretical Framework

A literature review helps the researcher develop a theoretical framework for their study. This framework explains the key concepts, relationships, and hypotheses of the study.

Synthesizing and Reporting the Literature

It is important to synthesize and report the literature found. This process highlights the main themes, trends, and significant findings in the literature.

Citation and Referencing

Sources used during the literature review should be properly cited, and references should be organized in the references section.



Article writing is a critical phase of presenting research findings and results in an academic format. Here are some essential points to consider when writing an article:

1. Title

The article should start with a captivating, original, and descriptive title. The title should reflect the main theme of the study and attract the reader's interest.

2. Abstract

The abstract succinctly presents the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the study. It provides the reader with an overview of the article's structure and emphasizes the significance of the study.

3. Introduction

The introduction section introduces the main purpose, research questions, and significance of the study. It also positions the study within the existing body of knowledge by referencing the literature and outlining the study's hypotheses.

4. Methods

The methods section provides a detailed explanation of how the research was conducted, including the data collection and analysis techniques used. This section is crucial for ensuring the reproducibility of the study.

5. Results

 The results section presents the findings and data obtained from the research. The results should be supported by graphs, tables, and statistical analyses.

6. Discussion and Conclusion

The discussion section interprets the findings by comparing them with the literature. Explanations regarding the study's conclusions are provided, and the findings are related to existing literature.

7. References

All sources used in the article should be properly cited and listed in the references section. References help readers locate the foundational materials of the study.

8. Figures and Tables

Graphs, tables, and other visual elements used in the article should be appropriately placed to facilitate understanding of the study.

9. Language and Style

The article should be written in a scientific tone. Sentences should be clear, accurate, and comprehensible. Additionally, attention should be paid to grammar and spelling rules.



Graphs and tables are effective ways to visually present research findings. These elements make complex data easier to understand and help readers quickly grasp the main results. The preparation of graphs and tables can include the following steps:

Data Selection

It is important to carefully select the data to be presented in graphs or tables. The most suitable data sets should be chosen to highlight key findings.

Choice of Graph Type

Depending on the type of data and the message to be conveyed, an appropriate type of graph should be selected. For example, line graphs can show trends, bar graphs can show comparisons, and scatter plots can show distributions.

Graph Design

The design of graphs is crucial for readability and impact. Elements such as titles, axis labels, colors, and symbols should be carefully arranged.

Creating Tables

Tables can be used to clearly show comparisons and relationships. Titles, column headers, and row headers should be appropriately named. Additionally, tables should be organized and readable. Tables should be formatted according to APA 7 guidelines.

Data Analysis

Before creating graphs and tables, the accuracy and consistency of the data should be checked. Data analysis ensures that the graphs and tables are correctly interpreted.

Integration of Graphs and Tables

Graphs and tables should be integrated seamlessly with the text. They should be used in the relevant sections of the article to support the meaning.

Labeling Graphs and Tables

Graphs and tables should be properly labeled with titles, axis labels, and symbols. This ensures that readers correctly understand the presented data.



Editorial and language revisions ensure that the article is corrected for grammar, spelling, and expression. This process enhances the clarity of the article and helps convey information more effectively. Here are some important steps for editorial and language revisions:

Spelling and Grammar Check

Spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in the article should be corrected. Incorrectly spelled words, misused grammatical structures, and punctuation marks should be checked.

Sentence Structure and Flow

The flow and structure of sentences should be reviewed. Complex sentences should be simplified, ambiguities should be resolved, and a logical flow should be maintained.

Word Choice

Correct word choice increases the clarity and accuracy of the article. It is important to use relevant terms correctly and select appropriate words.

Technical Jargon

If the article uses technical terms or jargon, they should be appropriately explained or defined. It is important to help readers understand the terminology.

Paragraph Structure

The structure and flow of paragraphs should be reviewed. There should be a logical transition between paragraphs, and the main idea of each paragraph should be clearly expressed.

Accuracy of References

References should be cited correctly, and sources should be appropriately listed. The accuracy and consistency of references should be verified.

Scientific Tone

The article should be written in a scientific tone. An objective language should be used, and speculation should be avoided.

Compliance with Writing Guidelines

The article should comply with the writing guidelines set by our journal. Adherence to the writing guidelines ensures that the article is prepared in a professional and standardized manner.



The critique and evaluation phase is critical in the article writing process, as it enhances the quality and scientific contribution of the manuscript. During this phase, authors review their work from others' perspectives and make necessary revisions. Here are the steps involved in the critique and evaluation process:

1. Self-Critique

    • Review Your Own Work

After writing your article, set it aside for a while before reading it again. This helps you evaluate the text with a fresh perspective.

    • Consistency and Flow

Check the logical flow and consistency of the text. Assess whether the development of the topic, the sequence of arguments, and the conclusions are logical.

    • Critical Questions

Ask yourself questions about the article's purpose, the accuracy of the methods, the clarity of the findings, and the validity of the conclusions.

2. Peer Review

    • Obtain Feedback

Send your article to colleagues in the same field and ask for feedback. Their critiques will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your manuscript.

    • Constructive Criticis

 Evaluate the feedback constructively. View criticisms as opportunities to improve your article.

3. Peer Review Process

    • Journal Review Process

When you submit your article to a journal, it will be reviewed by editors and peer reviewers. They will assess the scientific contribution, validity of methods, and significance of findings.

    • Reviewer Reports

Feedback from reviewers usually includes suggestions for improving specific sections of your article. Make revisions based on these suggestions.

4. Revisions

    • Implement Changes

Make necessary changes to your article based on the critiques and feedback received. During the revision process, pay close attention to the recommendations of reviewers and colleagues.

    • Response Notes

Add notes explaining the changes made. Particularly in journal submissions, it is important to include notes explaining how you addressed the reviewers' suggestions.

5. Final Check

    • Final Review

After making all revisions, review your article one last time. Ensure it is complete in terms of language, writing, logic, and scientific accuracy.

    • Independent Reader

Have someone outside your field read the article. This person can provide valuable feedback on the clarity and overall flow of the text.

The critique and evaluation process not only enhances the scientific value of your article but also ensures that your work is understood and accepted by a broader audience. This phase helps authors maximize their contributions and provide valuable additions to the scientific literature.



To enhance the scientific value and reliability of your article, references and sources used should be accurately organized and cited. References indicate previous research, theoretical frameworks, and methodologies that your work builds upon. Here are the key points to consider when preparing the references and sources section:

1. Gathering Sources

    • Literature Review

Conduct a comprehensive literature review on your research topic to identify previous studies, theories, and methodologies.

    • Reliable Sources

Use only reliable and peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and other scientific sources.

    • Diversity

Enrich your work by using various types of sources (articles, books, reports, conference papers).

2. Citing Sources

    • Direct Quotations

When directly quoting another work, enclose the quote in quotation marks and cite the source.

    • Paraphrasing

When summarizing ideas or findings from another work, cite the source at the end of the paraphrase.

3. Reference Style

    • Journal's Required Style

Follow the reference style specified by our journal (APA 7).

    • Consistency

Use a consistent style for all references. Ensure that in-text citations and the reference list follow the same format.

4. In-Text Citations

    • Author and Year

Typically, citations include the author's last name and the publication year (e.g., Smith, 2020).

    • Page Numbers

Include page numbers for direct quotes (e.g., Smith, 2020, p. 123).

5. Reference List

    • Alphabetical Order

List all references alphabetically by the authors' last names.

    • Complete Information

Provide full bibliographic details for each reference (authors, publication year, title, journal name, volume, page numbers, publisher).

    • Multiple Authors

For works with multiple authors, list all authors' names. For three or more authors, use "et al." after the first author's name.

6. Electronic Sources

    • DOI and URL

Include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL for electronic sources whenever possible.

    • Access Date

Indicate the access date for online sources.

7. Reference Check

    • Completeness and Accuracy

Ensure that all references are complete and accurate. Verify that every in-text citation is included in the reference list and vice versa.

    • Format Compliance

Confirm that references are formatted correctly and adhere to the journal's guidelines.

8. Software and Tools

    • Reference Management Software

Use reference management software like EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley to organize your references and generate a reference list.

    • Automatic Corrections

These tools can automatically format your references according to the chosen style.


References and sources are essential to the scientific accuracy and credibility of your article. Therefore, they must be carefully and meticulously organized. Here are example references formatted according to the standards:


  • Author, A. A. (Year). Book Title. Publisher.
  • Example: Smith, J. (2020). Scientific Research Methods. Academic Publishing.


  • Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI


  • Author, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from URL [Access Date].


Accurately organized references and sources ensure the scientific validity and reliability of your article. For more information, please refer to our journal's writing guide.


The conclusion section is a critical part of your article where you summarize the main findings and provide a general assessment of your research. This section helps readers quickly grasp the key points of your study and understand the significance of your findings. Here are important points to consider when preparing the conclusion section:

1. Summary of Main Findings

    • Summarize

Briefly and concisely summarize the most important findings of your research.

    • Highlight

Emphasize the key points and unique contributions of your study.

    • Avoid Repetition

Provide a succinct summary without repeating information from the introduction and discussion sections.

2. Answers to Research Questions

    • Direct Responses

Provide clear and direct answers to the research questions you posed at the beginning of your study.

    • Hypothesis Evaluation

Indicate whether your findings support or refute your hypotheses.

3. Interpretation of Results

    • Explain

Clarify what your findings mean. These interpretations should be made in the context of your research questions and hypotheses.

    • Significance and Contribution

Discuss the significance of your findings and their contribution to your field.

4. Limitations of the Study

    • Identify Limitations

Honestly acknowledge the limitations of your research. This enhances the overall validity and reliability of your study.

    • Future Research Suggestions

Based on the limitations, provide suggestions for future research.

5. Practical and Theoretical Implications

    • Practical Implications

Explain the practical applications of your research and how the results can be used.

    • Theoretical Contributions

Highlight the theoretical contributions of your research to the existing body of knowledge.

6. Overall Assessment of the Results

    • General Evaluation

Offer a general evaluation of your research, reviewing the study's completeness and scope.

    • Final Sentences

Conclude your section with strong and impactful sentences that summarize the overall impact of your research.

By following these guidelines, you can create a conclusion section that is clear, concise, and effectively communicates the significance and implications of your research.


Example Conclusion Section

This study examined the effect of dietary habits on athletic performance. The main findings indicate that a balanced and nutritious diet plays a critical role in enhancing athletes' performance. Additionally, valuable insights were provided on how specific nutrients and supplements can be utilized to optimize athletic performance.

In response to our research questions, it was found that a balanced diet positively affects performance, while inadequate nutrition leads to significant declines. These findings are consistent with existing literature, further reinforcing the relationship between nutrition and athletic performance.

The study's limitations include a relatively small sample size and a short study duration. Future research with larger samples and longer study periods is recommended to validate these findings. Additionally, conducting similar studies across different sports disciplines would increase the generalizability of the results.

In terms of practical applications, this study can guide athletes and coaches in developing effective nutritional strategies. Theoretically, it contributes to the existing knowledge in the field of sports nutrition, providing a solid foundation for future research.

In conclusion, this research emphasizes the importance of nutrition in enhancing athletic performance and highlights the need for further studies in this area. Our findings make significant contributions to the current understanding of sports nutrition and pose new questions and hypotheses for future research.

Key Considerations When Writing the Conclusion Section

  • Ensure your conclusion is clear and encompasses all the key points.
  • Avoid unnecessary details, emphasizing the main findings and conclusions.
  • The conclusion should align with and connect to the introduction and discussion sections.
  • Craft your conclusion to be compelling and interesting, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

The conclusion section is a crucial part of your research paper, summarizing the study and highlighting its significance. Therefore, it should be prepared meticulously and effectively in every aspect.

Approval and Revision Process

The approval and revision stages are critical steps in the publication process of your article. These stages ensure the quality, scientific accuracy, and readiness of your article for publication. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Initial Evaluation

    • Editor Assessment

When your article is submitted to the journal, it is first evaluated by the editors. They check if the article meets the journal’s publication policy, scope, and quality standards.

    • Quick Rejection or Proceeding Decision

Editors decide whether your article will receive a quick rejection or proceed to the next evaluation stage. A quick rejection indicates that the article is not suitable for the journal.

2. Peer Review

    • Reviewer Assignment

Editors send your article to experts in the field for review. These reviewers assess the scientific quality, accuracy, and originality of your work.

    • Reviewer Feedback

Reviewers provide detailed feedback, including constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. They typically recommend whether the article should be accepted, rejected, or revised.

3. Revision Process

    • Request for Revision

Based on the reviewers' and editors' suggestions, you are asked to revise your article. This involves responding to the reviewers' feedback and making necessary adjustments.

    • Types of Revisions

The revision process may involve "minor revisions," which require small and superficial changes, or "major revisions," which necessitate significant and extensive modifications.

4. Submission of Revised Article

    • Completing Revisions

After addressing the reviewers' feedback and making the required changes, you resubmit the revised article to the editor.

    • Response Letter

Along with your revised article, you should prepare a detailed response letter explaining how you addressed each of the reviewers' comments. This helps the reviewers and editors understand the changes you made.

5. Final Evaluation

    • Final Review

Editors and reviewers reassess your revised article. They determine if the changes are satisfactory.

    • Acceptance or Rejection

If the revisions are deemed sufficient, your article is accepted and queued for publication. If not, further revisions may be requested, or the article may be rejected.

6. Final Approval

    • Proofreading

Once accepted, your article undergoes a proofreading stage to correct any typographical, grammatical, and formatting errors.

    • Author Approval

After proofreading, the final version of your article is sent to you for approval. This is the last opportunity to make any final corrections before publication.


    • Digital Publication

After final approval, your article is published online and becomes accessible on the journal’s website.


The approval and revision process ensures that your article is scientifically sound, readable, and suitable for publication. As an author, it is crucial to be open to feedback from reviewers and editors, consider constructive criticism, and make the necessary adjustments to improve your article. This process not only enhances the quality of your research but also helps you gain recognition in the scientific community.


Ethical Compliance and Conflict of Interest Declaration

Adhering to ethical standards and declaring potential conflicts of interest are crucial for maintaining academic integrity and credibility in scientific publications. At InnovatioSports Journal, we have outlined the key points authors must follow in this regard.

1. Ethical Compliance

Authors must adhere to the following ethical guidelines when preparing their articles:

   Research Ethics

  • Research Involving Human Subjects

All research involving human subjects must be approved by the relevant ethics committee. Authors must state this approval and the informed consent obtained from participants in their articles. Adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki is essential in such research.

  • Research Involving Animal Subjects

Experiments involving animals must comply with national and international animal ethics standards. Authors must mention the necessary approvals obtained from ethics committees for research involving animal subjects.

   Data Ethics

  • Data Manipulation and Fabrication

Accurate presentation of research findings is crucial, and data manipulation or fabrication is unacceptable.

  • Data Privacy

The confidentiality and security of collected data must be ensured. Special care must be taken to protect personal data obtained from human subjects.

    Publication Ethics

  • Plagiarism

Proper references must be given when citing other works. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and any detected plagiarism will result in article rejection.

  • Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same research to multiple journals simultaneously (duplication) is unethical. Authors should submit their articles to only one journal at a time.

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration

To ensure scientific research is impartial and objective, authors, editors, and reviewers must declare any potential conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest can arise from financial, personal, or institutional relationships that could influence professional judgments or research outcomes.

   Authors’ Responsibilities

  • Financial Interests

Authors must clearly declare all financial support and sponsorship related to their research.

  • Consultancy Relationships

Authors should disclose any consultancy roles they hold with institutions or companies.

  • Institutional Affiliations

Any institutional affiliations or relationships that might pose a conflict of interest must be openly declared by authors.

  • Other Conflicts of Interest

Authors should also declare any other potential conflicts that might affect the impartiality of their research.

  • Conflict of Interest Declaration Form

InnovatioSports Journal provides a Conflict of Interest Declaration Form for authors to detail potential conflicts. This form must be submitted along with the article and is accessible under the "Templates & Forms" section of the journal’s website.

   Editors’ and Reviewers’ Responsibilities

  • Editors

If editors have any conflicts of interest regarding an article, they should transfer the evaluation process to another editor.

  • Reviewers

Reviewers must inform the editors of any conflicts of interest and withdraw from the review process if necessary.

3. Violation Reporting Process

Effectively applying the conflict of interest policy and reporting violations are critical for maintaining the journal's ethical standards.

   Reporting Obligations

  • Authors, editors, and reviewers must report potential conflicts of interest and policy violations to the journal.

   Violation Reporting Process

  1. Preliminary Review
    • The ethics committee or editorial team evaluates the received violation report and verifies its accuracy.
    • Additional information and evidence may be requested from the reporting individual.
  2. Detailed Investigation
    • Depending on the nature of the violation, a thorough investigation process is initiated. All relevant parties are contacted, and necessary documents are collected.
    • Expert opinions may be sought during the investigation process.
  3. Assessment and Decision
    • The investigation results are evaluated by the ethics committee, and an appropriate decision is made.
    • The decision is communicated in writing to the relevant parties.
  4. Implementation
    • Necessary measures and corrective actions are implemented based on the decision.
    • Decisions and implementations are conducted transparently, in line with the journal's ethical policies.

4. Legal Requirements

   Legal Compliance

  • InnovatioSports Journal adheres to national and international ethical and legal requirements.
  • In cases of violations, actions are taken within the framework of applicable laws and regulations.

   Legal Notifications

  • Ethical violations are reported to legal authorities when necessary.
  • Notifications and investigations are conducted balancing legal requirements and the principle of confidentiality.

   Legal Protection and Support

  • Individuals reporting violations are protected and supported during legal processes.
  • Legal consultancy and support may be provided during the investigation of violations.

5. Repeat Violations and Consequences

  Measures and Implementation

     First Violation

  • A formal warning is issued to the individual involved in the violation.
  • Ethics training is provided to increase awareness and prevent future violations.
  • The individual's ability to submit articles or serve as a reviewer may be temporarily suspended.

     Repeat Violations

  • Published articles are retracted, and relevant institutions are notified.
  • The individual's ability to submit articles and serve as a reviewer is permanently revoked.
  • Institutional disciplinary actions may be applied in collaboration with relevant institutions.

    Enhanced Measures

  • In cases of severe and repeated violations, the violation and the measures taken may be made public.
  • Legal proceedings may be initiated in accordance with legal requirements.

  Transparency Principle

      Transparent Review Process

  • Violation reviews are conducted impartially and objectively.
  • Relevant parties are informed throughout the review process, ensuring transparency.

     Reporting and Notification

  • Violations and the measures taken are summarized in annual reports and published on the journal's website.
  • Notifications are made considering the severity and nature of the violation.

    Feedback and Improvement

  • Violation cases and outcomes are used to review and improve the journal's ethical policies.
  • Ethical policies and procedures are regularly updated based on feedback from authors, reviewers, and editors.


InnovatioSports Journal takes ethical violations seriously and prioritizes transparency throughout the process. Measures are implemented to prevent the recurrence of ethical violations, reflecting our commitment to maintaining scientific integrity and publishing reliable research. The actions taken in cases of violations demonstrate our dedication to upholding high ethical standards and continuous improvement.