Fee Policy

As an open-access journal, InnovatioSports Journal aims to ensure that research reaches a wider audience by managing the entire publication process free of charge. Authors do not incur any fees at any stage, from submission to publication.

  • Article Processing Charge (APC): None
  • Article Submission Fee: None
  • InnovatioSports Journal does not charge any fee for article submission. Authors are therefore able to submit their articles to our journal free of charge.
  • Once an article has been accepted, no further publication fee is charged. All subsequent publication processes are carried out free of charge by our journal.
  • InnovatioSports Journal does not charge authors or readers for any additional services (e.g. colour image printing, additional pages, etc.).


InnovatioSports Journal employs a variety of funding sources to maintain its free publication policy. These sources include inter-institutional collaborations, research funding, donations and sponsorships. All our funding sources are organised in such a way as to maintain the scientific independence and integrity of the journal.

Authors' Responsibilities

It should be noted that authors are not under any financial obligation during the submission of their manuscripts to our journal. However, authors are obliged to ensure that their work conforms to high ethical standards and must comply with our plagiarism policy. The evaluation processes are carried out free of charge and no fee is charged for any refereeing service.

Should you require further information, please contact us at info@isjournal.org.