Publication Ethics and Conduct Guidelines

At InnovatioSports Journal, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards throughout the publication process. Our Publication Ethics Guidelines are informed by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Below are our detailed ethical guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors

  1. Originality and Prevention of Plagiarism:
    • All submitted articles must be original and not previously published elsewhere.
    • Authors must ensure that their work is free of plagiarism.
    • If plagiarism is detected, actions will be taken in accordance with COPE’s “What to Do If You Suspect Plagiarism” guidelines.
  2. Conflict of Interest:
    • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to their work.
    • All conflicts of interest must be clearly stated, following COPE’s “Conflict of Interest” guidelines.
  3. Corrections and Retractions:
    • Authors must inform the editor of any significant errors found in their published work.
    • If necessary, published articles will be corrected or retracted.

Ethical Guidelines for Editors

  1. Impartiality and Confidentiality:
    • Editors must evaluate submitted manuscripts impartially.
    • All information regarding the review process must be kept confidential.
  2. Publication Decisions:
    • Editors must base their decisions on the scientific merit, originality, and relevance to the journal’s policies.
    • Publication decisions should follow COPE’s “Guidelines on Publication Decisions” to ensure fairness and transparency.
  3. Ethical Complaints:
    • Ethical complaints must be handled seriously and resolved according to COPE guidelines.
    • Necessary corrections or retractions will be made in cases of ethical violations.

Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

  1. Confidentiality and Impartiality:
    • Reviewers must maintain confidentiality during the review process.
    • Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts objectively and impartially.
  2. Conflict of Interest:
    • Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if necessary.
  3. Constructive Feedback:
    • Reviewers should provide constructive and fair feedback to help authors improve their work.
    • Criticisms should be respectful and constructive.

Reference to COPE Guidelines

For more information, please visit the official website of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

These ethical guidelines ensure that all stakeholders of our journal adhere to the highest ethical standards. Any detected ethical violations will be promptly addressed and necessary actions will be taken.


Code of Conduct

At InnovatioSports Journal, we have established a Code of Conduct to uphold academic integrity and ethical standards for all authors, reviewers, editors, and readers. These rules are intended to maintain the credibility and quality of our journal.

Code of Conduct for Authors

  • Authors must submit only original research and avoid copying from other works. Previously published materials or content from other sources must be appropriately cited and referenced.
  • All data presented in the research must be accurate, honest, and transparent. Data fabrication or manipulation is prohibited.
  • Authors should use plagiarism detection software like iThenticate to check their work and avoid plagiarism.
  • All authors should have made significant contributions to the manuscript and be aware of its content. Individuals who do not meet authorship criteria should not be included in the authorship list.
  • Authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest. Institutions providing financial or moral support should be acknowledged.
  • Appropriate ethical approvals must be obtained for research involving humans or animals, and compliance with these approvals must be maintained.

Code of Conduct for Editors

  • Editors should evaluate submitted manuscripts impartially and maintain confidentiality throughout the process.
  • Publication decisions should be based on the scientific merit, originality, and validity of the work.
  • Editors must disclose any conflicts of interest and withdraw from handling manuscripts where conflicts exist.
  • Editors should monitor ethical compliance and take necessary actions in accordance with COPE guidelines.

Code of Conduct for Reviewers

  • Reviewers must maintain confidentiality regarding the manuscripts they review and not share information with third parties.
  • Reviews should be objective and unbiased, avoiding personal criticism.
  • Reviewers must inform editors of any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if conflicts exist.
  • Reviewers should complete their reviews within the specified time frame and provide timely feedback to editors.

Code of Conduct for Readers

  • Articles published in the journal can be shared and adapted under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, provided appropriate credit is given and license terms are followed.
  • Readers are encouraged to provide constructive feedback on published articles in a respectful manner.

Ethical Violations

InnovatioSports Journal takes ethical violations seriously and will take appropriate actions such as corrections, retractions, or other measures as necessary. Violations will be investigated and resolved according to COPE guidelines.

Contact Information

For any questions or further information, please contact us:

  • Address: Fenerbahçe Mah. İğrip Sokak No:13/1 Kadıköy/İSTANBUL
  • Email:,
  • Phone: +90 (216) 850-1907

These guidelines are established to ensure that all stakeholders of our journal adhere to the highest ethical standards. InnovatioSports Journal is committed to promoting academic integrity and transparency.