Retraction and Correction Policy

InnovatioSports Journal has established retraction and correction policies in accordance with the guidelines of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) to maintain the accuracy and integrity of published works. These policies outline the steps to be taken in cases of scientific errors, ethical violations, or conflicts of interest.

Retraction Policy

1. Reasons for Retraction

Articles may be retracted due to serious errors, false or misleading information, ethical violations, or conflicts of interest.

2. Procedure

    • Retraction requests must be submitted in writing to the journal's editorial office.
    • Editors will evaluate the retraction request and, if necessary, consult the ICMJE and COPE guidelines before making a decision.
    • If a retraction is decided upon, a statement indicating the retraction will be published in the journal.
    • Authors will be informed about the retraction process.

3. Transparency

Retracted articles will continue to be published in the journal with a clear note indicating their retraction. This ensures that readers are informed about the reasons for the retraction.

Correction Policy

1. Reasons for Correction

Corrections can be made when minor errors, typographical mistakes, or incomplete information are identified in articles.

2. Procedure

    • Correction requests must be submitted in writing to the journal's editorial office.
    • Editors will evaluate the correction request and publish the correction if deemed appropriate.
    • When a correction is published, it will be referenced in the relevant section of the original article to inform readers.

3. Transparency

All corrections will be published alongside the original article, with the reason for the correction clearly stated.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

1. Procedure

The procedures for articles retracted or corrected due to potential conflicts of interest are determined in accordance with ICMJE and COPE guidelines. Authors will be informed in such cases.

2. Transparency

Necessary explanations about articles retracted or corrected due to conflicts of interest will be published with a note indicating the retraction or correction.


InnovatioSports Journal is committed to maintaining the accuracy and reliability of published works through a transparent and fair retraction and correction policy. These policies are prepared in accordance with ICMJE and COPE guidelines and reflect the ethical standards of our journal.