Examining self-confidence and athlete ıdentity levels in athletes
sports psychology, athlete identity , athletic self-confidence, self-esteemAbstract
This study aimed to understand the relationships between athlete identity and continuous athletic self-confidence. Comprehensive analyses focusing on demographic and sports-related variables such as gender, age, years of sports participation, and sport discipline were conducted in a cross-sectional study involving 517 (351 male and 166 female) voluntary athletes. The data collection instruments used were the "Source of Sport Confidence Questionnaire" and the "Athletic Identity Measurement Scale." The data were analyzed using SPSS, including t-tests, ANOVA, and correlational analyses. The findings particularly emphasize variations in self-confidence observed among specific age groups, genders, and sports disciplines. It was found that female athletes generally had a higher athlete identity, but no significant difference was observed between genders in terms of continuous athletic self-confidence. Examinations based on age groups revealed that athletes aged 18-20 had a distinct athlete identity, while those aged 30 and above stood out in terms of continuous athletic self-confidence. Similar evaluations were conducted for years of sports participation and sport discipline, revealing the impact of these factors on athlete identity and continuous athletic self-confidence. The findings provide valuable insights to understand athletes' psychological profiles and guide efforts to enhance their performance. Moreover, by demonstrating the diverse effects of demographic factors on athletes' psychological characteristics, the study suggests the possibility of developing more personalized support strategies tailored to individual needs.
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