Ethical Guidelines

1. Responsibilities of Authors

       1.1. Originality and Plagiarism

  • Authors should submit only original works. Proper citation and acknowledgment are required when using the works of others.
  • Plagiarism, including all forms of academic theft and ethical misconduct, is strictly prohibited. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will be rejected, and appropriate legal actions may be initiated against the authors.

       1.2. Data Presentation

  • Authors must present data accurately, honestly, and completely. Data manipulation and misrepresentation are prohibited.

      1.3. Publication Disclosure

  • Authors should not submit the same work to more than one journal. Submitting the same or a similar manuscript to another journal that has already been published or is under review is unacceptable.

       1.4. Author Contributions

  • All listed authors should have significantly contributed to the research and writing of the manuscript. Individuals who did not contribute should not be included as authors.
  • Co-authors must review and approve the final version of the manuscript.

       1.5. Accurate Citation of Sources

  • All sources and references used in the work must be properly cited and acknowledged.

      1.6. Conflicts of Interest

  • Authors must disclose any financial or personal conflicts of interest that could influence their work.

2. Responsibilities of Editors       

       2.1. Decision Making

  • Editors make decisions on submitted manuscripts based on their scientific quality, originality, and relevance to the journal’s policies.

      2.2. Impartiality

  • Editors must remain impartial in the manuscript evaluation process, making decisions independent of authors' ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality, or political views.

       2.3. Confidentiality

  • Editors must not disclose any information about submitted manuscripts to anyone other than those involved in the review process.

      2.4. Conflict of Interest

  • Editors should recuse themselves from handling manuscripts where they have a conflict of interest.

3. Responsibilities of Reviewers       

       3.1. Confidentiality

  • Reviewers must treat the manuscripts they evaluate as confidential and must not share them with others.

       3.2. Impartiality and Objectivity

  • Reviewers should be impartial and objective in their reviews, providing constructive feedback and avoiding personal criticism.

       3.3. Source Acknowledgment

  • Reviewers should point out relevant works that the authors have not cited.

       3.4. Conflict of Interest

  • Reviewers should decline to review manuscripts where they have conflicts of interest.

4. Publication Ethics     

       4.1. Publication Decisions

  • The editorial board decides which manuscripts will be published based on their scientific merit and relevance to the journal’s objectives

       4.2. Fair Play

  • Each manuscript is evaluated objectively, ensuring fair play without discrimination or bias.

       4.3. Handling Ethical Violations

  • The editorial board must be sensitive to ethical issues and handle complaints effectively. Necessary corrections, retractions, or clarifications should be made when ethical violations are identified.

5. Addressing Ethical Violations       

        5.1. Reporting and Investigation

  • Allegations of ethical violations should be reported in writing to the journal's management. All complaints will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.

       5.2. Sanctions

  • Appropriate sanctions will be imposed on authors and reviewers found guilty of ethical violations. These may include retraction of the manuscript and temporary bans on submitting to the journal.

       5.3. Corrections and Retractions

  • Corrections or retractions will be issued for manuscripts identified as having ethical violations, and these actions will be publicly disclosed.


For questions or reports regarding ethical guidelines, please contact us at