Conflict of Interest Policy

To maintain the scientific integrity and credibility of the works published, InnovatioSports Journal requires authors, reviewers, and editors to disclose any conflicts of interest. This policy is based on the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Definition of Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's professional judgments or actions regarding a primary interest, such as the validity of research, are influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain. These conflicts can arise during the design, conduct, reporting, and publication of research.

Conflict of Interest Policy for Authors

1. Disclosure Requirement

Yazarlar, makalelerini gönderirken tüm potansiyel çıkar çatışmalarını açıklamalıdır. Bu, finansal destekler, danışmanlık ücretleri, hisseler, patentler, araştırma materyallerinin sağlanması gibi her türlü ilişkileri kapsar.

2. Use of ICMJE Disclosure Form

InnovatioSports Journal uses the ICMJE Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form. Authors must complete and submit this form along with their manuscript. Click here to download and complete the ICMJE Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

3. Transparency

All disclosures will be published with the article and made available to readers.

Conflict of Interest Policy for Reviewers

1. Disclosure of Conflicts

Reviewers must inform the editor of any conflicts of interest regarding the assigned manuscripts. This includes current or past financial relationships, personal relationships, or competitive interests.

2. Impartiality

Reviewers with conflicts of interest should not evaluate the manuscript. Editors will consider these conflicts when assigning reviewers.

Conflict of Interest Policy for Editors

1. Editorial Decisions

Editors should not make decisions on manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest. This includes personal or financial relationships with the authors.

2. Transparency and Declaration

Editors must disclose any conflicts of interest related to the journal. These disclosures will be published on the journal’s website.

Published Articles and Conflicts of Interest

1. Publication of Disclosures

All authors’ conflict of interest disclosures will be published at the end of the relevant article, enabling readers to assess the objectivity of the research.

2. Consideration in Decision Process

Disclosures will be taken into account during the review and publication decision process.

Responsibilities of Other Stakeholders

Editorial and Advisory Boards

Members of the Editorial and Advisory Boards must disclose any conflicts of interest related to submitted works and should not participate in the evaluation of such manuscripts.

Notification and Implementation

  • Authors, editors, reviewers, and other stakeholders must adhere to this policy in their dealings with the journal.
  • Editors and the journal management will regularly review disclosed conflicts of interest and take necessary steps to ensure compliance. Corrective actions will be taken in case of identified conflicts of interest.
  • Violations of this policy may result in the retraction of the published article and disciplinary actions against the involved parties.

Contact Information

  • For the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest or any questions related to this policy, please contact us at

Policy Approval and Review

  • This policy was approved by the Editorial Board on May 22, 2024, and will be reviewed and updated annually.


InnovatioSports Journal is committed to managing conflicts of interest transparently and maintaining scientific integrity. The implementation of this policy is crucial to uphold the ethical standards and credibility of our journal.