
InnovatioSports Journal covers innovative and forward-thinking research in various fields of sports sciences. The topics and sections that can be published in our journal are as follows:

  1. Sports Sciences and Technologies:
    • Research and applications on sports sciences and advanced technologies to optimize athlete performance.
  2. Exercise Physiology and Nutrition:
    • Original studies on athlete health, nutrition, and exercise physiology.
  3. Sports Psychology and Performance Enhancement:
    • Research on mental health, motivation, and psychological support for athletes.
  4. Training Science and Performance Analysis:
    • Innovations in training methods, performance analysis techniques, and sports coaching.
  5. Sports Medicine and Health Sciences:
    • Scientific studies on sports injuries, rehabilitation, and general health.
  6. Sports Industry and Marketing:
    • Innovations in the sports industry, marketing strategies, and sports-related business topics.
  7. Social Responsibility and Societal Impact:
    • Research on the societal impacts of sports, community projects, and the social responsibility of sports.
  8. Recreation and Leisure Activities:
    • Studies on recreation, leisure activities, tourism, hobbies, and entertainment.
  9. Interdisciplinary Relations:
    • Interactions and contributions between sports sciences and other disciplines.
  10. Physical Education and Sports:
    • Research on physical education programs, teaching methods, and sports education.
  11. Physical Activity and Health:
    • Studies on the effects of physical activity on health and community health programs.
  12. Sports Management and Administrative Sciences:
    • Research on sports organizations, management strategies, and administrative processes.
  13. Exercise and Sports Sciences for Individuals with Disabilities:
    • Scientific studies on the participation of individuals with disabilities in sports and exercise programs.
  14. Data Mining:
    • Research on data mining techniques and applications in sports sciences.


Target Audience

InnovatioSports Journal caters to the sports sciences community, researchers, sports managers, coaches, and sports industry professionals. Additionally, it aims to be an indispensable resource for anyone looking to shape the future of sports and advance in sports sciences through innovative research.

Our Values

  1. Supporting and publishing research at the highest academic standards.
  2. Leading the way in innovative ideas and applications in sports sciences and the industry.
  3. Ensuring that scientific knowledge is accessible to everyone.
  4. Promoting diversity and inclusion by bringing together different perspectives and disciplines.
  5. Enhancing and supporting the positive impacts of sports on individuals and communities.

Within this scope and mission, InnovatioSports Journal aims to facilitate the dissemination of innovative and impactful research in sports sciences and to continue being a significant source of knowledge in the sports world.

Language of Publication

Our journal is published in both Turkish and English. High-quality and scientifically valid articles in both languages are accepted.

Publication Frequency

Our journal is published twice a year (March and October), featuring articles on various scientific topics in each issue. Additionally, special issues and thematic issues are published to provide in-depth analysis on specific topics.