Afyonkarahisar's rise in sports tourism: What the world motocross championship brings to the city
Sports tourism, motocross championship, economic contribution, sustainable tourismAbstract
Afyonkarahisar has become a popular destination for motocross enthusiasts worldwide, leading to a significant increase in sports tourism. This study examines the impact of the World Motocross Championship held in the city on sports tourism, aiming to understand its role in the city's economic, cultural, and prestige aspects. The research employs thematic sampling and qualitative data collection methods, providing a broad perspective through participant observations, interviews, and surveys conducted with athletes, city residents, and tourists. The findings, supported by tables including participation numbers, media coverage, and economic effects, reveal the extensive impact of the motocross championship on Afyonkarahisar. The championship has garnered substantial attention at both national and international levels, contributing significantly to the city's economy and enabling local businesses to generate economic income. Generally, a positive perception has been formed among athletes, city residents, and tourists. The motocross championship in Afyonkarahisar has increased the city's potential in sports tourism and facilitated crucial steps towards sustainable tourism principles. The achievements obtained may contribute to further strengthening the city as an attraction center for future sports tourism events. In upcoming similar events, city administrations and organizers should develop strategies supporting sustainable tourism. It has been emphasized within this context that factors such as reducing environmental impacts, increasing local community participation, and ensuring tourist diversity are crucial.
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