Examination of Some Biomotoric Characteristics of 8-9-Year-Old Children New to Sports
sports, training, biomotorics, performanceAbstract
The objective of this study was to assess the impact of regular training programs on the biomotor development of newly engaged 8-9-year-old children in sports. The research examined test results on biomotor characteristics, including flexibility, agility, vertical jump, and 20-meter sprint. The study included 25 participants, 14 males and 11 females, aged between 8 and 9, who engaged in sports for 1 hour, twice a week. The study participants had an average age of 8±0.7 years, a height of 128±36 cm, and a body weight of 27±12 kg. The data were analyzed using SPSS 29.00 statistical software package, including normality tests, frequency analyses, and paired sample t-tests. The study found significant differences in flexibility, agility, and the 20-meter sprint test among children who were newly engaged in sports. However, the study did not observe significant changes in areas such as vertical jump and throwing a ball backward. These results emphasize the effectiveness of training programs in improving the biomotor characteristics of children who are newly engaged in sports. The study also highlights the necessity of long-term and specific training for the development of specific skills.
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