Article Submission

Dear Authors,

If you are considering submitting an article to InnovatioSports Journal, we would like to share some important points you should pay attention to. Before starting the article submission process, we recommend that you consider the following:


It is mandatory that the author of the work holds the necessary copyright or has obtained the necessary permissions from the copyright holders. By submitting an article to our journal, you agree to the terms of our open access policy, which includes the publication, reuse, and distribution of the article on the journal's website. For more detailed information, please refer to this link.

Article Limitations

Authors are allowed to submit up to two articles within a twelve (12) month period. They cannot submit more than two articles (including co-authored articles) to this journal within this timeframe.

Language and Alphabet

We accept Turkish articles in our initial issues. Therefore, you may submit your articles in Turkish. However, for articles in other languages, our journal only accepts articles written in English and using the Latin alphabet.

Article Format

Please ensure to submit your articles in Word document format with .doc or .docx extensions through the InnovatioSports Journal Article Submission System.

Author Guidance

To assist our authors in preparing their articles, we provide access to useful resources. These resources will help you prepare your articles in the best possible way. For more detailed information, please refer to the Author Guide section.

Submission Process

The evaluation process of submissions involves the following stages:

  1. Article Submission
  2. Preliminary Evaluation
  3. Peer Review
  4. Revision
  5. Acceptance and Publication Process

Paying attention to this information will help ensure that your articles are processed smoothly and enter the evaluation process quickly. We thank you for your submissions and wish you success in your application.

  1. General Information

InnovatioSports Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, case studies, letters to the editor, and short communications in the field of sports sciences. Authors wishing to submit an article should carefully review the following guidelines and follow all the steps indicated.

  1. Article Types

Original Research Article

This type of article includes high-quality scientific research on various topics. The research may cover important and original studies examining the interaction and contributions between sports sciences, health, and other disciplines.

  • Example Topics: Training protocols that improve athlete performance, exercise and metabolism, sports psychology and motivation, prevention and treatment of sports injuries, sports and societal impacts.
  • Length: Should not exceed 5,000 words (excluding tables, figures, and references) and generally should not contain more than 6 tables and/or 10 figures.

Review Article

Review articles should integrate existing knowledge to provide a new perspective and contribute to the development of sports sciences and the sports industry.

  • Example Topics: Strategies to enhance sports performance, recent developments in sports nutrition, sports psychology and performance, new perspectives in exercise science, innovations in the sports industry.
  • Length: Should not exceed 6,000 words and generally should not contain more than 6 tables and/or 15 figures.

Case Study

Case studies should report unique and current cases related to sports sciences, sports health, and other relevant fields. They should contribute differently to the scientific field or question existing paradigms.

  • Example Topics: Examination of sports injuries, improvement of athlete performance, applications of sports psychology, sports programs for community health.
  • Structure: Should include an abstract, introduction, brief case report, and discussion section.

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor present preliminary reports on significant and interesting topics. They should contain no more than 900 words of text, 1 visual element, and up to 10 references.

  • Example Topics: Introduction of an innovative sports technology, important scientific discovery, examination of an urgent issue in the field of sports.

Short Communications

Short Communications aim to quickly share new findings with the scientific community. They undergo a fast-track peer review process, suitable for the urgency of the study. Approved Short Communications are published online as soon as possible and included in the next printed issue of the journal.

  • Length: Maximum of 1,500 words (excluding tables, figures, and references).
  • Structure: Should include a title, author information, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
  1. Article Preparation Rules

       3.1. Title Page (Author Information and Article Title)

  • Title

Titles in both Turkish and English should be written in Tahoma serif font, 12-point size, and bold.

  • Author Information

The titles, names, surnames, ORCID numbers, affiliations, and email addresses of the authors should be listed aligned to the left under the title.

  • Corresponding Author

The corresponding author’s full name, ORCID number, address, phone number, and email address should be provided. At least two referee recommendations should also be included in this section.

        3.2. Article Text

  • Title

The article title should be centered, with only the first letters capitalized, in 12-point Tahoma serif font. Author names should not be included in this section.

  • Abstract

The abstract should be between 150-200 words, in 11-point Tahoma serif font, and written as a single paragraph. It should concisely cover the main points of the study. Turkish and English abstracts should be placed on the same page, one after the other.

  • Keywords

Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order, separated by commas, and consist of at least 3 and no more than 5 words, written in Tahoma serif font.

Article Sections

  • Introduction

Should provide context for the research by outlining the main objectives and importance of the study. A literature review, main issues, and hypotheses of the study should be presented.

  • Method

Should detail the research design, participants, data collection methods, and analysis procedures. The methodology should be clearly explained.

  • Results

Should present the analysis of the obtained data. The main findings should be reported in detail using tables, graphs, and statistical analyses.

  • Discussion and Conclusion

Should interpret the findings and provide a comprehensive analysis of the study’s results. The degree to which the research met its objectives should be assessed, and the findings should be related to other studies in the literature.

  • Recommendations

Should provide suggestions for future research based on the study’s results. The limitations of the current study and areas to be addressed in future research should be highlighted.

  • References

Should be formatted according to APA 7 standards.

           3.3. Writing and Formatting Rules

For detailed writing and formatting guidelines, please visit our Writing Guide page.

          3.4. Tables and Figures

  • Numbering

Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially (Table 1, Figure 1).

  • Title

Titles of tables and figures should be descriptive.

  • Reference Citation

References of the data used should be indicated.

  1. Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

       4.1. Ethical Approval

  • Studies involving human or animal subjects require approval from the relevant ethics committee. Ethics committee approval should be submitted at the time of article submission.

       4.2. Publication Policy

  • Conflict of Interest

Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest related to the article. Our journal adheres to the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and the ICMJE Conflict of Interest Form is used for declarations. Save the form as a PDF and upload it to the submission system.

  • Originality

The article must not have been published elsewhere and should contain original research.

  • Similarity (Plagiarism)

All articles submitted to our journal undergo plagiarism detection. The similarity rate should not exceed 15%.

  1. Article Submission Process

        5.1. Submission Platform

        5.2. Submission Steps

5.2.1. Registration and Login

Authors must register and log in to the system.

5.2.2. New Submission

Click the "New Submission" button to start the article submission process.

5.2.3. Information Entry

Enter the article title, author information, abstract, and keywords.

5.2.4. File Upload

Upload the full text of the article and any supplementary files (tables, figures, supplementary materials).

5.2.5. Review and Approval

Verify the accuracy of all information and complete the submission process.

5.3. Evaluation Process

  • Preliminary Review

Articles that pass the preliminary review by editors are sent for peer review.

  • Peer Review

A double-blind peer review process is applied. Detailed information about the peer review process can be found here.

  • Outcome

Authors are notified of the evaluation results and, if necessary, revisions are requested.

  1. Post-Publication

       6.1. Copyright

  • The copyright of published articles remains with the authors, and the articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license.

       6.2. Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • Each published article is assigned a DOI number, which provides a digital identifier for the article.

For any questions, please contact us at

By carefully following this guide, you can complete your article submission process smoothly.


Thank you for your contributions to InnovatioSports Journal.