The impact of core training programs on biomotor development and performance in young volleyball players
core training, biomeotor development , physical performance, flexibilityAbstract
The primary aim of this study is to examine the effects of regularly implemented core training programs on the biomotor development and performance of young volleyball players. Understanding the potential positive impact of core training on the physical abilities of young athletes could contribute significantly to designing more specific and effective training programs for future athletes. The study was conducted on 30 volleyball players aged between 13 and 15. The mean age of the young athletes was determined as 13.5±0.67 years, with an average height of 156.8±2.6 cm and a body weight of 47.6±6.7 kg. Participants underwent a specialized training program involving core exercises on different surfaces, and this process was meticulously recorded. The results indicate that regularly implemented core training programs have a positive impact on the physical performance of young volleyball players. Significant improvements in standing long jump, flexibility, and performance in both right and left feet support the effectiveness of core training in this age group. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that core training programs can positively contribute to the biomotor development of young volleyball players. Considering the limitations based on the findings, more comprehensive research involving different age groups and sports disciplines will be essential in future studies. This will be a crucial step in designing more effective training strategies tailored to individual athletes.
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